Spring Lunch Seminars at CLF
This was forwarded to me from Abbie at CLF. Everyone is welcome. Simply contact her at CLF if you would like to attend.
Spring Brown Bag Lunch Series at the Conservation Law Foundation
CLF’s Brown Bag Lunches cover the most pressing environmental issues facing the Bay State and offer a friendly forum in which to share ideas. Bring your lunch and come prepared to discuss!
All lunches are held at 62 Summer Street, Boston, MA at 12:00 noon. Contact Abbie Daniel at 617-350-0990 x727 or adaniel@clf.org to reserve a spot at the table.
Getting the Lead Out!
Friday, March 3, 2006
In Massachusetts and across New England, pregnant mothers, children and babies are living in homes with lead pipes, lead solder and leaded brass fixtures which are exposing them to dangerous levels of this powerful toxin. Many of these Massachusetts residents are from communities of color and/or low-income communities which experience the highest rates of childhood lead poisoning. Learn about this issue and CLF’s work on preventing lead poisoning. Come prepared to explore other environmental issues that disproportionately affect low-income communities and communities of color.
Our Growing Water Crisis
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Eastern Massachusetts is facing an expanding water crisis. Streams and rivers are running at dangerously low levels and water quality is highly degraded. Learn how our water and wastewater management “solutions” have contributed to this crisis and how we can rehabilitate this region’s water resources.
The Bay State’s Transit Future
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Transit is an economic lifeline to those who depend on it. It is also key to reducing air pollution and climate-changing gas emissions. Yet here in Massachusetts, public transit systems are falling into disrepair, causing greater car dependence and sapping our urban centers of their economic vitality. Join us for a look at these issues, the challenges lying ahead, and the ways CLF is helping to solve them.
The Problem of Acid Rain
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Acid rain has a devastating impact on New England’s forests, water bodies and public health. Emissions from power plants that form the ingredients for acid rain blow from west to east, crossing state and national boundaries, causing this environmental crisis. Let’s discuss the problems, ways to curb acid rain and how to begin the process of ecological recovery in New England.