September AltWheels Events (full details on our website at
1) September 21st 4-7:30 p.m. Alternative Transportation Caravan from Larz Anderson to Stata Center at MIT. Let us know if you have an alternative vehicle and want to be in the caravan. Otherwise come meet us at 6 at the MIT Stata Center with the media for a preview of our show.
2)September 22nd 7:00-7:00 p.m.. Boston City Hall Plaza. Come meet Mayor Menino, see more than 60 vehicles including more than 16 types of alternative transportation technology, be one of the first 1000 people to pledge to change a lightbulb on the Energy Freedom Trail and get a free CFL lightbulb, bring your bike to the REI free bike repair tent, hear talks by Peter Senge, Francis Moore Lappe, EO Wilson, Sousan Abadian and Ron Heifitz, and Patricia Aberdeen, and experience the first alternative transportation awards. Music from 5:30-7:00 pm by Kevin Connelly. This is our main day, it is free, and volunteers are badly needed. (See below)
3)September 23rd 10:00-4:00 p.m. Boston City Hall Plaza. See more than 60 vehicles including more than 16 types of alternative transportation technology, be one of the first 1000 people to pledge to change a lightbulb on the Energy Freedom Trail and get a free CFL lightbulb, bring your bike to the REI free bike repair tent, many events for kids including activities from the Museum of Science, the Children's Museum, the New England Aquarium. Music all day from the CocaBanana band.
4) September 24th 10:00-4:00 p.m. Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation in Brookline. Come join us at our original home. See more than 60 vehicles including more than 16 types of alternative transportation technology, have a chance to talk with users of alternative transportation technologies, test drive some of the many scooters and Segways, meet the pioneers who have converted their vehicles to run on used vegetable oil (Chinese and BBQ) and much more.
5) September 25th 8-1:30 p.m. Fleet Day Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation in Brookline. We end our week of events with an invitation only event for corporate, state and municipal fleet managers.
Here are the FOUR WAYS we need your help to make these events a success:
1) Help us share the word. Please send this email on to others in Boston who care about environmental issues, who are around in September or who want to learn more about what is happening and the real options that exist today in alternative transportation and energy technologies. In addition to several give-aways, a chance to see the latest vehicles being designed by Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda and others, we are also offering discounts on many of the alternative vehicles at the festival. There will also be an auction for two Prius' just in time for the $3,150 tax deduction that is cut in half October 1st. So if you or others are thinking about your alternative vehicle options this is the place and the time. Please forward this email to your friends and networks.
2) Please consider volunteering. If we receive the crowds we expect we will need close to 400 volunteers to cover the six events listed above. In addition to helping us with key areas, we are creating a green energy freedom trail this year with twenty-six stops of ways to lessen each of our environmental footprints. Many of these stations need to be manned and volunteers of course get free admission to the events they cover. If you have more than 3 hours to offer between September 16-25th please go on the AltWheels website ( and sign up to volunteer. It is very rewarding and we really need you. There are also two training evenings in September listed as part of the volunteer form on the web site. We would be so appreciative for your help this year.
3) You are welcome to exhibit or sponsor but the deadline for exhibiting at Boston City Hall is coming up fast so if you are interested please go on our website this week and fax in the exhibit form. Larz Anderson has more flexibility around the deadline.
4) Join us for our last planning meeting September 8th at 60 State Street from 8-10 am. If you do want to join us you need to RSVP so I can put you on the security list and so we will have enough breakfast.
Thanks so much for the incredible energy, vision, and outpouring from our volunteers and committee coordinators. We are thrilled to be on Boston City Hall Plaza this year and so hope to see each of you for the parts of the festival that excite you. We are planting seeds for a growing awareness of how we are connected across the planet and how important our choices are in defining the future we will all share. Please come lend your support. We need you!
With appreciation.