ELS Connections

The New England School of Law Environmental Law Society Alum-Student Network.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Malignant Design Anyone?

I recently finished reading Daniel Quinn's novel Ishmael. The premise was how humanity has created cultural myths to essentially justify civilization - or "how things came to be this way." In the same vein, ways of life that either are in harmony or dischord with nature were said to have parted ways in the Euphrates River Valley when humanity became Homo Sapiens Sapiens (actually Latin for "very wise man") or more modern.

While reading and researching, I came across a few references to Noam Chomsky. You may be wondering how I made the leap to an Intelligent Design article but here's the logic: Noam proposes 'malignant design' - signs that we're headed toward environmental catastrophy.

Here is the article: http://www.chomsky.info/articles/20051006.htm



At 10:31 PM, Blogger Curt said...


If you're ever interested in seeking out "like minded" Ishmael readers please feel free to visit IshCon. www.ishcon.org



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