Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals
From Progress Action Report for today:
FACILITIES VOLUNTARILY REDUCE RISK OF TOXIC TERRORISM:Chemical facilities across the country representing a range of industries have switched to safer alternatives from a variety of hazardous chemicals, producing dramatic security and safety benefits at a reasonable cost, according to a new report. The study released today by the Center for American Progress, in partnership with the National Association of State PIRGs and the National Environment Trust, shows that 284 facilities in 47 states "have dramatically reduced the danger of a chemical release into nearby communities," making roughly 38 million people safer from the "threat of a major toxic gas cloud" affecting nearby communities.
I thought this was a nice followup from last year's Promoting Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals workshop, here at NESL.
The issue is getting framed via a terrorism perspective, but the result is the same: reducing the danger of toxic chemicals.