ELS Connections

The New England School of Law Environmental Law Society Alum-Student Network.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Will Idling Engines Cease?

This article in the Boston Globe posits that if drivers idling for more than 10-seconds would turn off their engines, emissions will be reduced. Granted, that seems like a logical result, but will this "inconvenience" catch on?

Three Towns Urge Drivers to Shut Down Idling Engines

My first concern was addressed at the end of the article; more wear and tear on a vehicle's starter. It seems characteristic of any environmental issue to sit inconveniently between an opportunity for positive change (however small) and lack of practical implementation (cost) for either the individual or big business.

We can say, that it begins with the individual, that one person can make a difference, if we change our habits...now, if we can just change that electoral voting...


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